Monday, April 7, 2008

My husband...The Great White Hunter!
Since being here in Puerto Rico, Mike has shown true in his great hunting skills. He has caught numerous crabs, lizards, fish, sand dollars, and, most recently, a bat. *Please note that although PR has rainforests, it doesn't have any predatory animals (unless you consider stray dogs as predatory animals ). So its a little hard to be considered The Great White Hunter when there really isn't anything to hunt! Also note that Mike hasn't chosen this name for himself.*

Mike wanted to keep the bat as a pet and even named it but after a few stories from co-workers, he (thankfully) changed his mind and let the bat go free! Here is a picture of "Panchito".


Jon said...

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na FISHING...I mean...BATMAN!

Anonymous said...

Hi my sweeties
I got home safe. It was soooo good to be with you. Great blog.

rob and cheryl said...

OOOooooo..!!! YUCK! I'm glad they made you get rid of that thing, Mike. Megin, I feel for you having to put up with Mike's creature curiosities. It can be fun, but sometimes creepy!