Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hi everyone! Sorry that its been a little while since we last updated... our Internet has been down for over a week and continues to have problems (so we are using a friend's). We can't post pictures but we will still fill you in on what's been happening.

Last Saturday, we had a multi-church, college-aged, all-day competition called the "Uni-Challenge". It started at 8am and went till 9pm. Different churches from around the area got together here at Camp and spent the entire day playing physical, team-building games in 90 degree heat. Mike and I joined an near-by church that we attend (John Cox's church). For those that know me (Megin), I am one of the least competitive people you will ever meet but even I had fun! It was a great experience and we are so glad that we could be part of it!

This last week Mike and his friend Julio have been collecting baby iguanas and making a home for them in our "green room" (which is a room we have in our house that has no ceiling on it and is completely open to the sky). We are now proud owners of 5 iguanas and one incredibly large frog! The green room went from having nothing but an old screen door in it to a complete habitat for the iguanas and frog. It now has a pool, 2 plants, a huge piece of drift wood that barely fits in the room, and a mud pit. We are really enjoying our iguanas!

Tomorrow we are traveling to San Juan (about 2 hours away on the north side of the Island) to look at Boxer puppies. We are hoping to have a new member of our family by tomorrow afternoon. We'll let you know what happens!

Thanks for your prayers and support! We love you all!

Love, Mike and Megin

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