Monday, August 25, 2008

Well, our busy month is almost done! We are working with our final work crew which leaves Thursday, August 28th. After that, we will have no more work crews until Jan or Feb. We have enjoyed working with the work crews. We have learned a lot, been challenged, made new friends, worked hard, played hard, laughed a lot, grown a lot, and been blessed through all of these crews!

Also, we had a lot of fun with our cousins and uncle here! They worked hard alongside the work crews but also got to spend time playing games with us. It was a lot of fun! We were so thankful for our time with them!

Now that its rainy season, we are learning that there are some things that are beyond our control and that we just have to adjust to. Things such as having to give our dog, Mia, 3 baths a day because no matter where we let her out, it is muddy and she loves water and mud! Also, that no matter how hard we try, it is very hard to keep the house clean... there is constantly mud and dirt being tracked through the house whether by canine or people. And, since our hot water heaters are solar powered and it is mostly cloudy... there will be little to no hot water! And we now have to find ways to dry our clothes inside since the rain doesn't allow us to hang dry our clothes and we have no Dryer. Lastly, mosquitos thrive during this season. And no matter how hard we try, we just can't seem to keep them out of our house! So we have a lot of new adjustments to make but we are thankful for the rain which is much needed on this side of the Island and we are enjoying the new adventure the rain brings.

On another note: Please pray for us as we have some big decisions to make in the next few weeks. Our jobs here have changed and the camp's needs have changed so we have some decisions to make. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for us! Thanks!

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